Stepping Out in Faith


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I’ve always wanted to start a blog, and have tried a couple of times here on WordPress. However, I find myself stuck, because I don’t want to come across as “venting”, “having a pity-party”, or afraid of saying the wrong thing. I have been longing to share my heart with someone (other than God and my husband, someone who can maybe relate) that I can trust and get great, godly advice from… or maybe just a little bit of encouragement. However, I become stuck with this as well, because I don’t want to come across as “needy”, because I want to be able to offer something back, besides just an ear to listen. I want to be able to offer insight and advice as well. (Iron sharpens iron, right!?)

Recently, I had an encounter with a gal from my local church small group wanting/seeking an accountability partner for daily life/relationship things. At times, I feel so inadequate when it comes to expressing my thoughts or feelings in the moment (like being put on the spot, and not having time to process the situation). I also feel inadequate in my spiritual maturity/walk with God. See, I am very young in the Lord, only having accepted Him a little over a year ago… I thought I would have been so much further along by now, and yet I feel like I’ve barely made any progress. Sometimes I want to give up, but I try to keep things in perspective that change [transformation of my heart] is not going to happen overnight, and I HAVE TO keep going, keep practicing, and remember it’s a process! I guess acknowledging this means that I have somewhat gained a little knowledge, but I know (and feel) I have so much further to go in this journey.

I stepped out in faith posting the above comment on Melissa Taylor’s Online Bible Studies (OBS) Blog, getting ready to do the Let. It. Go. OBS. I’m afraid (for a lack of better terms) that I won’t be able to keep up with this one either. But I really hope that I will be able to stick with this one this time. I had signed up for the Unglued OBS, and unfortunately was not able to keep up with it, because of an already full plate. I did, however, receive and keep all the emails and blogs going on throughout the study, and I did read the book when I was able to, here and there. And in every effort to complete what I have started, I hope to finish that book (re-reading it) again while going back through the weekly blogs, and reflecting on the Scriptures. I have 5 chapters left to finish by this Saturday, and I’m determined to do it and get it done.

Well, here’s to my first blog entry, here’s to me stepping out in faith, on a new endeavor to help me throughout my journey and walk with God, and may I be a blessing to someone, even if it gives an ounce of hope or inspiration for your life.